Zawgyi Font in a MAC OS(Apple)
Keyboard layout [ ]
zawgyi font ယူရန္
အေပၚက .dmg file နဲ႕အဆင္မေၿပလွ်င္, .MPKG file ကိုစမ္းႏိူင္ပါတယ္.. (ဒီမွာယူပါ)
***ဒီ font ဟာ apple computer ေတြအတြက္သာၿဖစ္ပါသည္*****
Credited where credit is due.
Developer Source မွကူးယူေဖာ္ၿပထားပါသည္...
Update #1
OSX Lion “Zawgyi Font Problem” Trouble Shooting
Zawgyi Font သြင္းၿပီးေသာ္လည္း Facebook ေပၚတြင္ ၿပသနာရိွေနေသးသူမ်ား ေအာက္ပါနည္းအတိုုင္း ေၿဖရွင္းႏိုုင္ပါသည္
Open “Application>Font Book” (or) type “Font Book” in Spotlight,
look for Myanmar MN and Myanmar Sangam MN in the Font pane.
You can either Disable or Remove those. Restart your MAC. Then you will be fine on Safari.
If you want to make sure on Safari,
“Safari> Preferences> Appearance> change both Fonts to Zawgyi-One”
Update #2
Fixed Zawgyi Keyboard for ပတ္ဆင့္ ” ၸ ” နဲ႔ “ ု” ကို ၿပန္ၿပင္ထားပါတယ္။
keyboard အသစ္ကိုဒီမွာရယူပါ
(1) Extract downloaded zip file down to (Zawgyi.keylayout)
(2) Copy Zawgyi.keylayout
(3) Replace at (Your Hard Drive – MAC HD > Library > Key Layouts > Zawgyi.keylayout)
(4) Enter your password for Admin Access (password ခ်ထားတယ္ဆိုရင္ေပါ့ေနာ္)
This process might disable your Input Sources (eg. Language Flag will disappear)
(5) Setting > Keyboard > Keyboard tab > Input Sources > Check mark “Zawgyi KB” again
(6) unmark Myanmar-QWETRY
(7) Restart your MAC and try to type (Option + y) , you will see ” ၸ “
zawgyi keyboard <=> US keyboard လုပ္ဖို႕အတြက္ shortcut က command+space ၿဖစ္ပါတယ္
ထို shortcut အလုပ္မလုပ္လ ွ်င္ system preferences > keyboard > keyboard shortcuts > Keyboard & Text မွ select the previous input source ကိုအမွန္ၿခစ္ေလးေပးလုိက္ပါ.
Posted By : Aung Thiha